Monday, January 13, 2020

Something or Nothing: Robot Cats

We've seen robotic pets before, but MarsCat from Elephant Robotics takes things further by being the world's first fully autonomous robot cat. The idea is that, rather than give your robot pet commands via voice or touch for it to do things, once MarsCat is activated, it'll simply act like a regular cat, doing its own thing as and when it wants. MarsCat's shape is distinctly feline, but there's no escaping the fact it looks less like a real cat and more like the product of a Honda R&D session. The lack of fur is a particular giveaway, although it looks like it has a soft-touch silicon skin, which I'm sure will feel just as good when you smush your face into its belly during cuddle time.

While the company claims that MarsCat is fully autonomous, it's still all about the interactions. There are various voice commands you can give it, such as "run," "stop," "quiet" or "come here." And unlike real cats, it'll actually respond to those commands rather than completely ignore your existence and do whatever the hell it wants regardless. It's touch-responsive too, so it'll respond to head scratches or back strokes. It can also recognise and interact with objects (cat toys, for example), people nearby and even "play with real cats." That last one, however, seems very much dependant on whether your cat wants to play with a robotic version of itself. There's a good chance it might freak out and go hide under the bed until MarsCat goes away.

Click here for the video.


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