Monday, January 13, 2020

CES 2020 Avatars

Neon and its "artificial human" avatars were the first viral hit of CES. It had everything to get the internet excited: A corporate giant (the company is from Samsung's STAR Labs), buzzwords (Avatars! Realistic AI assistants!) and confusion. Redditors combed the internet for details and YouTube channel Good Content pulled together a surprisingly comprehensive dossier on a company that's barely half a year old. Neon then officially announced itself to CES in a press release rich in hyperbole, complicated machine learning jargon and a pretty opaque mission statement. There was also the promise of Neons "reacting and responding in real-time". I had to see it for myself.

According to Neon creator and STAR Labs boss Pranav Mistry: "Neons will integrate with our world and serve as new links to a better future, a world where 'humans are humans' and 'machines are humane.'" That makes them sound like digital conversation partners, where interactions would approximate real humans. The mission seems to be a softer, more empathetic connection with future virtual assistants.


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