Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Cloud Goes Underwater

The future of the internet could be under the sea. Recently Microsoft tested its new system off the coast of San Luis Obispo. The company has been testing a prototype data center that can operate hundreds of feet below the ocean surface. The company hopes this will help speed up everything from browsing the internet to downloading music.The company claims going under water could solve several problems.
  • Cooling is an important aspect of datacenters, which normally run up substantial costs operating chiller plants and the like to keep the computers inside from overheating. The cold environment of the deep seas automatically makes data centers less costly and more energy efficient.
  • Using the hydrokinetic energy from waves or tides for computing power could also make centers more energy efficient. This means datacenters could work independently of existing energy sources, located closer to coastal cities, powered by renewable ocean energy.
  • Placing computing power near users lowers the delay people experience when using the internet, which means faster browsing and download speeds. Half of the world's population lives within 120 miles of the sea, which makes it an appealing option.


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