Saturday, February 27, 2016

Scott Kelly Returns to Earth on March 1st.

Just over a year ago, astronaut Scott Kelly left Earth to spend a year at the International Space Station. He returns late Tuesday night. Kelly shared one of his last sunrises Saturday morning, claiming it to be one of the best— and that's saying a lot since the International Space Station goes around the Earth so quickly that day and night come every 92 minutes, Kelly tweeted in September.

It will take Kelly and Russian colleague Mikhail Kornienko and Sergey Volkov less than 3 1/2 hours to return in a Russian Soyuz spacecraft. Kelly will then take a charter flight from Kazakhstan to Houston. Doctors will be examining Kelly to see what effect his time 240 miles above the Earth has had on his physiological state. They'll compare and contrast his condition to his twin brother, former astronaut Mark Kelly.

Some facts about his trip:

  • 340 days (not quite a full year)
  • 10,944 sun rises and sunsets.
  • 143,846,525 miles
  • 648 miles run on a treadmill
  • 400 Experiments
  • 713 photos tweeted from space

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