Wednesday, March 18, 2020

OK GO Shoots a Video in 4.2+ Seconds

I am having my Engineering classes look at a Rube Goldberg machine built by the band OK GO. In researching this, I found another song and video by the band which resonated to me. I found the lyrics particularly significant in these wacky times. Perhaps you agree.

You're right
There is nothing more lovely
There's nothing more profound
Than the certainty
Than the certainty
That all of this will end
That all of this will end
So open your arms to me
The One Moment

The band OK GO creates cool music but amazing videos. The first was a dance routine on treadmills, and they've only gotten more significant since then. One of their videos is a "single shot" over the course of 24 hrs. Four years ago they did the opposite. They created a series of explosions in 4.2 seconds. What looks like random explosions is actually highly choreographed, synchronized by computers to make the effect. When slowed down (and set to music) the events create an amazing experience. The project appears to be an advertisement by Morton Salt, but in reality, the band joined forces with the salt company to raise awareness to food waste.

There is a scene in which guitars hung above the lead singer, Damian Kulash, all blow up. (The band wants all to know that the guitars were all rejects from the Les Paul factory. No actual working guitars were harmed in the filming of the video.) According to Kulash, "For the video, we tried to represent this idea literally — we shot it in a single moment. We constructed a moment of total chaos and confusion, and then unraveled that moment. Though the routine was planned as a single event, currently no camera control systems exist which could move fast enough to capture a movement this long and complex with a single camera, so the video you see connects seven camera movements," said Kulash. In addition to the guitars, there are 318 explosive events that take place throughout the video include 54 bursts of colored salt, 23 exploding paint buckets and 128 gold water balloons. Interested in learning more about food waste? Here's the link.

Got a reaction to this video or the song or stuff in general? Feel free to make a comment to this blog post. Stay Safe.


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