Monday, March 9, 2020

Map Shows the Spread of the Coronavirus Since January

Everywhere, the news is about how business conferences are being cancelled left and right and companies, like Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and many others are telling employees in the Seattle area to work from home. Is the coronavirus really that bad? Do all the shut-downs and community quarantines, when we don't use these for flu outbreaks, really make sense? Is this all hype and panic? The answers are: Yes, it is pretty bad. Yes, staying away from large group gatherings makes sense. And, no, this isn't hype and panic. From cancelled conferences to disrupted supply chains, not a corner of the global economy is immune to the spread of COVID-19. First things first. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports 3.4% of reported COVID-19 victims have died. The flu? 0.1 percent. That's a huge difference.

Coronavirus' global death toll passed the 4,000 mark late Monday, just as passengers on a third Princess Cruises ship were being kept aboard pending the latest battery of tests and quarantines. The virus showed no signs of slowing its spread across the U.S.: Confirmed cases surpassed 750 across more than 30 states and the District of Columbia. The U.S. death toll rose to 26, while the worldwide total hit 4,024. The vast majority of deaths have been in mainland China. Washington state has now at least 22 deaths linked to the coronavirus, while California and Florida have two each.

Here is the spread of the contagion around the world since January.


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