Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Your iPhone Sends Data Back While you Sleep

A disturbing new report reveals how your iPhone is snooping on you while you're sleeping. An investigation by the Washington Post found apps are passing personal data to thousands of trackers - third-party advertising and analytics companies who partner with apps in order to access their user data. A disturbing new report reveals how your iPhone is snooping on you while you're sleeping. An investigation by the Washington Post found apps are passing personal data to thousands of trackers - third-party advertising and analytics companies who partner with apps in order to access their user data.

As many people remain unaware of the trackers living in their phone and being fed their data, tracker-protection software isn't prevalently used. The Washington Post's investigation found privacy policies didn't equal privacy protection, with many apps using loopholes in their own policy to obtain data. Apps may also prohibit trackers from selling user data, but won't take responsibility for their practices. The investigation uncovered that certain apps will still share personally identifiable information even if it directly breaches their privacy policy. Many apps fail to disclose the names of the companies tracking its data, or how it works to protect user privacy; information that should, according to Apple, be readily accessible and available for users to see and permit.

Click here for the video.


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