Wednesday, May 8, 2019

One and Done Robo Calls

The Federal Communications Commission has issued an alert to consumers about a new wave of "One Ring" robocalls after "widespread overnight calling" in the states of New York and Arizona. These recent "One Ring" calls attempt to bait consumers into calling the number back, which can result in you being billed toll charges as if you called a 900 number. The calls are also known as "Wangiri" – the term means "one ring and done" in Japanese, so labelled after the scam originated there years ago.

Robocallers typically call specific area codes repeatedly, often late at night. The latest wave of calls, the FCC says, are using the “222” country code of the West African nation of Mauritania. "This is a concerning trend and consumers should not call back if they receive such calls,” deputy press secretary Will Wiquist said. Other public officials have taken to Twitter to warn consumers. Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich tweeted this week about the robocalls, saying, "DO NOT call back. Scammers hope you'll call back so they can pocket the cost of the expensive phone call."


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