Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Send Your Name to Mars

NASA’s Mars 2020 mission will send a brand new robotic explorer to the Red Planet’s surface as early as July next year. The NASA mission will precede any human exploration of Mars but will have a chance to indirectly land on the planet in spirit. Anyone who submits their name to NASA through the link below will have their name etched onto a microchip fixed to NASA’s Mars rover. Each name will be painstakingly “stencilled” onto a silicon chip with an electron beam, creating signatures no wider than one-thousandth the width of a human hair.

Using this incredibly fine technique, NASA can fit more than one million names on a chip the size of a coin, which will ride on the Mars rover under a glass cover. On top of the incredible privilege, you will receive a “souvenir boarding pass”, which you can show off to your friends and family. Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, said: “As we get ready to launch this historic Mars mission, we want everyone to share in this journey of exploration.

Click here to sent your name to Mars.

Click here for the video.


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