Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Care Coach: Virtual Care for the Elderly

Patricia Richards, who is 64 years old and lives in Salem, Massachusetts, looks forward to her daily chats with her cat Bella. “I love Bella very, very much. She’s helpful ... she does a lot of things for me and I‘m so happy she’s in my house,” said Richards. Except Bella isn’t like most animals. As well as being able to talk, Bella checks if Patricia has taken her medication, plays the rock ‘n’ roll music she likes and reassures her when she is feeling anxious. Because Bella is a digital pet that exists on a tablet. She was created by Care Coach, a social enterprise that is competing with traditional models of care for the elderly in terms of cost, flexibility and resources. As companies providing state-funded care work to deliver services with sometimes dwindling finances, technology is offering a way to balance challenging budgets.

In the United States, advances in healthcare and a public better informed about healthy lifestyles has lead to an increasingly aging population. One in five of the nation’s population will be 65 or older by 2030, according to a 2014 government report. Richards’ welfare is managed by healthcare organization Element Care, which has engaged Care Coach to provide the pets. Element is now looking to increase the 15 current users because of the benefits that have resulted. Not only has Richards’ wellbeing improved but the company has saved money on the cost of her care, it says. She was selected for the digital pet because of repeated visits to the hospital while suffering anxiety and a shortage of breath related to smoking.


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