Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Hawaii Issues False Missle Warning

How did it happen? Hawaii's Emergency Management Agency provided a bit more detail Sunday on what went wrong. The mishap took place during a routine drill run after a shift change, Vern Miyagi, the agency's administrator, said. During the drill, an officer in the emergency operation center mistakenly selected an incorrect "template," which shows what message is going to be sent, Miyagi said.

The template that the officer inadvertently selected was prepared to send the message to the public. The officer was supposed to have chosen a template that would only be sent internally. After the template is selected, Miyagi said, a note appears on the computer, asking the officer to confirm that they want to send the message. The officer responsible accidentally clicked yes, Miyagi said. At that point, the message -- "BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL" -- was sent to Hawaii residents and vacationers. It also went out to televisions and radios.

Click here for the video.


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