Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Windows 95 turns 20 Years Old

Windows 10 was recently released by Microsoft. Many tech analysts feel this software could determine the success or failure of the tech giant. Most reviewers think Windows 10 is a significant improvement to Windows 8. Twenty years ago today, people were lining up at CompUSA or Best Buy at midnight. It wasn’t a new Call of Duty game, Apple’s latest iPod, or any type of hardware at all that shoppers were waiting for. It was software, and not just any software: Windows 95.

Microsoft’s Windows 95 release on August 24th, 1995 was a highly anticipated launch. Jay Leno helped launch the software alongside Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, with a lot of jokes and the appearance of the entire Windows 95 development team on stage. It was a huge day for Microsoft with TV commercials blasting the Rolling Stones’ "Start Me Up" with images of the new Start button that we still (just about) use today. Microsoft even hired Jennifer Anniston and Matthew Perry to create an hour-long cyber sitcom all about Windows 95, and the software was so popular that 7 million copies were sold during the first five weeks.

Windows 95 Ad

Windows 95 Kickoff with Execs dancing to the Rolling Stones

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