Saturday, August 15, 2015

New solution to walking

"WalkCar" is the world smallest electric vehicle, which can be carried around in a backpack. Just lean your body toward destination you like, you can operate WalkCar. It's similar to a Segway Scooter. As small as laptop PC, the device can be brought readily, and help you move anytime and anywhere. The company Cocoa Motors is set to launch the new personal transportation device this October via Kickstarter. The lightweight aluminum board is approximately the size of a laptop and can carry loads of up to 120 kilograms.

The device works similarly to the bulkier two-wheeled Segway device, with the user shifting their weight to change direction. Stepping onto the board starts it automatically and disembarking immediately stops the motion. According to Cocoa Motors, three hours of charging provides enough power for travelling distances of up to 12 kilometres (7.4 miles). WalkCar is set to launch on crowdfunding website Kickstarter in October 2015, with a price tag of around $600 and shipping is expected in Spring 2016.


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