Friday, March 4, 2022

Something or Nothing: Rotary Cell Phone

Looking like the kind of contraption that a 1950s engineer might have come up with if asked to create a “futuristic phone that you can carry around,” this seemingly early attempt at a cell phone is, in fact, a recently designed device that actually works. And you can buy it, too. The rotary cell phone is the work of Justine Haupt, an engineer at Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York. Haupt documented the development of the device on her website, describing it as a “quick and dirty project.” But this week the engineer revealed there’s been so much interest in the device that she’s decided to make it available in kit form for $240.

Some of the physical buttons on the device, for example, can be set up to link to frequently called numbers, eliminating the need for a touchscreen and menu. Just to be clear, the dialer does work, and can be used for other numbers that you don’t save. Incorporating some slightly more modern technology, on the back you’ll find a curved e-paper display — a late addition to the design but now Haupt’s favorite feature — that shows missed calls and other relevant messages. The 10 green lights down the side of the phone indicate the battery level, and the device can be powered on and off using a slide switch. “No holding down a stupid button to make it turn off and not being sure it really is turning off,” Haupt said in her online notes.


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