Monday, November 8, 2021

Something or Nothing: Rumba Lawn Mowers

The Husqvarna 435X is the high-end, all-wheel-drive version of the company's robotic lawn mower line; Husqvarna has less-expensive models that can accomplish the same thing. The 435X costs more because it's specifically designed to handle sloping yards and rough terrain, both of which are landscape features at the house I rent. The results of the 435X far exceeded my expectations. Admittedly, my expectations were low: Just make it so I don't have to mow the lawn. The 435X is capable of much more than that. I never ran into problems, aside from getting hung up in fallen tree branches from time to time. In over six months of testing, that was the only trouble it ever had. It produced the healthiest, most well-manicured lawn in our area. Every delivery person that came to our house asked about both the lawn and the curious creature roaming it.

The 435X is relentless. It mows rain or shine, night or day, whenever and however much you want it to mow. I played with this quite a bit, mowing all day every day versus mowing every few days and only a couple of hours. I did not keep precise track, but it seemed to cover the roughly one-acre of lawn it was tasked with in about six hours of mowing. The results for mowing daily were not noticeably different than mowing three days a week, so that's how often it ran for most of the time I had it. I ran it three days a week, six hours a day, to cover about an acre of lawn, and did not notice any impact on my electric bill no matter how frequently it mowed.


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