Thursday, November 18, 2021

Man make 1:10^100 Gear Reduction

The number googol equals 1.0 x 10,100, or 1 followed by 100 zeros. To put that into perspective, scientists theorize there are between 120 and 300 sextillion stars in the observable universe, which translates into around 1,078 to 1,082 of the number of atoms in said universe. Daniel de Bruin's gear reduction machine would theoretically take more power to turn the last gear one revolution than the universe could provide.

As de Bruin explains, "Today at 14:52 I will be exactly 1 billion seconds old. To celebrate I build this machine that visualizes the number googol. That's a 1 with a hundred zeros. A number that's bigger than the atoms in the known universe. This machine has a gear reduction of 1 to 10 a hundred times. In order to get the last gear to turn once you'll need to spin the first one a googol amount around. Or better said you'll need more energy than the entire known universe has to do that. That boggles my mind."


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