Monday, March 19, 2018

Basketball shooting Robot Hits Every Shot

Someone needs to tell Toyota to take its foot off the gas. Apparently, in the next installment of humanity hastening its demise to robots, Toyota engineered a robot that defeated pro players from Tokyo in a shooting contest. A basketbot, if you will. The robot was apparently inspired by a manga cartoon, according to RT News, but it only vaguely resembles a human.

Its name is "Cue," as in "cue the symphonies, I'm burning your world down." Its shot comes from an artificial intelligence, according to the Asahi Shimbun. The robot's height is 190 centimeters, or 6-foot-2. Here he is, outshooting humans who are good at basketball. Cue's form is a little stiff, but buckets are buckets. It hit 10 shots in a row, while the two players failed to sink the sixth. Even when they tried to contest him, Cue splashed the ensuing shots. Lucky for us, robots aren't really the most coordinated things. Although they're starting to open doors for each other, which isn't ideal.


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