Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Lots of companies talk about creating "green" products, but Goodyear apparently took the challenge literally. The company on Tuesday introduced the concept version of a tire that would integrate living moss to improve air quality. The concept tire, called Oxygene, debuted at the Geneva Motor Show, where auto companies are showing off some of their most futuristic technologies. While it's far from clear that the Oxygene will ever become a reality, Goodyear bragged that the tire demonstrates potential and environmental leadership. At a time when the world is grappling with how to recycle or discard millions of used tires, the Oxygene concept could potentially start a new chapter.

Oxygene's features include:
  • Living moss in the tire's sidewall that allows the tire to absorb moisture through its tread, inhaling carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen into the air. 
  • The ability to harness energy created during photosynthesis to power sensors, artificial intelligence and a light strip that uses different colors to alert drivers and pedestrians to the vehicle's maneuvers.
  • A 3-D-printed structure made with rubber powder from recycled tires.
  • Technology called visible light communications system, or LiFi, that would allow the tire to wirelessly interact with other cars and vehicle infrastructure, theoretically paving the way for autonomous cars.


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