Monday, September 19, 2016

Apple's Watch 2.0

If you had to pick the new Apple Watch Series 2 out of a lineup of existing Apple Watches, you'd be hard pressed to do so. It looks nearly identical to the first model that launched just 18 months ago. Even after tinkering around with the latest iteration, it's a challenge to identify what's actually new. But there's more to the Apple Watch's first major hardware upgrade than meets the eye. To start, the display is two times brighter, so you'll be able to read it better outside. It's also 50% faster than the previous version and it's finally waterproof.

But the smartwatch category in general hasn't taken off the way it once seemed destined to. Impressively, however, Apple has somehow managed to become the second most popular watchmaker in the world, even though Apple Watch sales were down 55% this year. That's second only to Rolex. While there's a solid collection of bells and whistles added to the latest Apple Watch, are the updates worth trading in your existing one? Certainly not. It does, however, give non-Apple Watch users more incentive than ever to buy one.


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