Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Highly Dexterous Manipulation System

The Highly Dexterous Manipulation System (HDMS) includes dual robotic manipulator arms and a moveable humanoid torso that can be easily mounted onto a robotic platform to efficiently conduct a variety of missions, including explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) operations, manufacturing, healthcare, and others.

RE2’s HDMS product line, which was designed specifically for mobile systems, is extremely flexible and configurable. The HDMS is available in multiple dexterity configurations, including, but not limited to 11, 15 or 16 degrees-of-freedom (DoF). Tele-operated control is achieved using RE2’s Imitative Controller technology. Traditional controller methods (i.e. dials/switches, gaming controllers, etc.) are not practical for effectively and efficiently controlling highly dexterous manipulator arms, especially dual-arm systems. The RE2 Imitative Controller provides highly intuitive control of dexterous dual-arm manipulation systems.


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