Sunday, January 24, 2016

Don't Miss a Pool Shot with Augmented Reality

ARPool (Augmented Reality Pool) is the next evolution in the game of pool. The system combines advanced computer algorithms, including computer vision, graphics, physics simulation, and artificial intelligence, to enhance a pool player’s experience. In this way, ARPool represents the convergence of traditional games such as pool, with recent advances in computer gaming technology.

Getting into the technical details, ARPool is a “projector-camera” system. A data projector and high resolution video camera are mounted on the ceiling, directly above and pointing down towards the surface of the table. Custom computer vision algorithms have been developed to analyze the balls on the table, determining their position as well as their identity (such as cue ball, eight ball, etc.). When the player lines up to take a shot, the cue position is also recognized in real-time, and the ball trajectories that will result are calculated. Finally, the data projector renders the ball trajectory information directly onto the table surface, giving the player information about the success of the shot. All this happens in realtime, so that the player can adjust his shot according to the system display.


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