Monday, November 9, 2015

Mozilla Firefox's Improved Ad Blocker

The latest version of Firefox will come with a powerful ad-blocking feature, Mozilla announced today. Under the browser's new setup, Private Browsing mode will block any script that could be used to identify a user, including ads, analytic trackers, and features like the Facebook Like button that can be tied back to social networks. The result is a more anonymous kind of browsing that will load pages faster and cut off many of the web's most surveillance-friendly features, along with the advertising networks many websites use to make money.

Mozilla emphasizes tracking scripts rather than advertising units, but Private Browsing mode will also function as an ad-blocker, allowing sites to load faster without serving any ads or analytics data back to the host. "You might notice that some web pages load more quickly with tracking protection," says Mozilla's VP Nick Nguyen in the video. "We don't think you'll mind."

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