Thursday, November 12, 2015

Instagram 3rd Party App Steals Passwords

Apple and Google have both put the kibosh on an app that was hijacking the passwords of Instagram users. Known as "Who Viewed Your Profile - InstaAgent," the app claimed to help Instagram users find people who were viewing their profiles, The Guardian reported on Wednesday. Instead, the app was grabbing account credentials of Instagram users who logged into it. The app then uploaded those credentials in an unencrypted format to a third-party server, tweeted software developer David Layer-Reiss, who caught the malicious activity.

Those of you who installed "Who Viewed Your Profile - InstaAgent" should delete the app immediately and change your Instagram password. If you used the same password on any other sites, you should change that one as well. The remote server to which the passwords were uploaded -- -- is identified as a suspected phishing site, so you're urged to avoid it.


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