Monday, October 5, 2015

Hologram Stops People from Parking in Handicapped Spaces

Disabled drivers face many challenges, and it certainly doesn't help when abled-bodied people park in spots specially designated for those who are handicapped. According to the advertising agency Bird Strategy, more than 30% of drivers in Russia disregard the signage that’s painted on the ground and park in handicapped spots. Working with disability-rights advocacy group Dislife, they sought to confront these offenders in a clever and impactful campaign that was installed in shopping centers around Russia.

To get drivers’ attention, the issue was presented in a lifelike-way right in front of them. As offenders were about to pull into the handicapped-designated space, a hologram projection of a disabled person would suddenly appear before them. The surprise confrontation gave drivers the empathetic perspective they needed to back up and find another place to park.

This illusion was created with water, cameras, and a projector. A nearly-invisible water mist screen was sprayed into the parking space, which allowed for a moving image to be cast onto it. As a driver pulled in, special cameras verified that there was a disabled sticker on their windshields. If not, the hologram appeared in front of the driver and put a face to the space (and the cause). Watch the video below to see the campaign in action.

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