Thursday, October 29, 2015

Hackers Threaten To Expose KKK Members

Last year, Anonymous responded to the Ku Klux Klan’s threats toward peaceful Ferguson protesters by “de-hooding” a sizeable portion of the hate group. #OpKKK not only tormented racists by revealing who they are but led to the hacktivists knocking numerous Klan websites offline and even stealing the “white Christian organization’s” Twitter account. Fearing “real danger” as a result of the outings, many members decided to quit the Klan for fear that their reputations may be damaged and harm may come to them.

Recently, Klan members have been strongly criticizing Anonymous, and the hacking group has re-upped its online "de hood" campaign. In a press release, Anonymous writes, "When people are faced with grave injustices, those cries do not go unheard. Ku Klux Klan, We never stopped watching you. We know who you are. The last time we took your hoods off, you claimed to be misunderstood. Victimized. No. You are a damaged, dangerous, fragmented, splintered and amorphous collection of terroristic cells with a hate-based ideology and a well documented history of violence against the American public – assault, murder, terrorism. You play a deep, damaging and historically sinister and malevolent role in the United States. The aim of this operation is digital. Another cyber war trist, nothing more. We are not violent. We will release, to the global public, the identities of up to 1000 klan members, Ghoul Squad affiliates and other close associates of various factions of the Ku Klux Klan across the Unites States.

Click here for a video.


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