Monday, May 30, 2022

My Last "Cool Tech Newsy Item" Post

So you completed a year of Computer Science! Congratulations. That fact alone has separated yourself from many other high schools in the United States. I hope you have enjoyed your experience and that you've found it interesting, rewarding, and fun. My perspective is that CS is here to stay. It is my belief that every career, even day to day life will be governed by computers. Some of you may be interested in pursuing CS further, maybe even as a career. Others may be "done" with programming and CS. I strongly encourage everyone to pursue it further. Knowing more about how coding works, how technology impacts our society will make you more marketable as a prospective employee, and an wise and productive member of our society. Tech is still in its infancy in my opinion. Do we limit technology? Should our government have full access to our data? What about private companies? Unfettered technology might not be something that we want. It is my sincere hope that you will continue to think crittically about technology. What's cool? What's not? And how do we, as a society and as individuals, decide what's cool and what's dangerous? How do we put limits on things that might be problematic? Old, retiring teachers frequently say "our future is in the hands of the youth." I believe that your generation will be the one that defines the limits of technology. There's a lot in our world these days that need your help to solve: The environment, the economy, and yes, technology. I personally think everyone in this room will be excellent stewards of the future. Keep thinking, keep exploring, keep asking tough, relevant questions.

Thank you for making my last year at Carmel High such an enjoyable one.


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