Thursday, January 27, 2022

FCC to Post "Nutrition Labels" about Costs

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted unanimously Thursday to proceed with a proposal that would require internet service providers to display certain cost and service information in easy-to-understand labels for consumers. The FCC was directed to take action on a “Broadband Nutrition Label” as part of the infrastructure law signed in November. The label is modeled after the Food and Drug Administration's nutrition labels for food products and aims to help consumers compare options for better deals and boost competition.

New America’s Open Technology Institute, which first suggested the broadband labels in 2009, cheered the FCC’s vote. “The broadband nutrition label cuts through this confusion by clearly disclosing the cost and terms of service in a simple, consumer-friendly format. It’s a common sense idea that we look forward to working with the Commission to implement. People deserve to know what they are paying for,” Open Technology Institute Deputy Director Joshua Stager said in a statement. The infrastructure law requires the rules be finalized by November.


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