Monday, November 2, 2020

Minecraft Voting Server

At the top of a hill sits a large white building with columns and draped with American flags. It resembles the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., except for a key difference. It's built out of Minecraft blocks. Nonpartisan, nonprofit organization Rock the Vote and creative company Sid Lee teamed up to create a Minecraft "voting house" server ahead of the 2020 election. Dubbed "Build The Vote," the simulation is designed to educate kids on the voting process and give them the chance to share their opinions on several issues.

The organization hopes to demystify the voting process, said Teja Foster, social media director for Rock The Vote. That way, kids will be ready to vote when they're old enough. Once a player joins the simulator, they can enter the large voting house and "register" to vote. Along the way, there are checkpoints explaining different aspects of the voting process.


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