Wednesday, September 16, 2020

So Cal School District Suffers Ransomeware Attack

A computer ransomware attack has locked up systems in the Newhall School District, leading to the cancellation of remote classes for at least Tuesday. The district issued a message to students telling them to not log on to the district's distance learning systems or use any district device. The attack came ironically on National Online Learning Day. For students and parents, it's just one more glitch in a year that has been full of unwelcome surprises. The district posted a statement that read in part:

"Newhall School District recently learned of an incident involving a ransomware attack on our systems. After we learned of this incident, we took immediate action to protect the District's system and data. We are working to restore operations and enhance the security of our platforms. A professional third-party forensics firm has been engage to investigate the ransomware incident and determine the scope of the incident. As our investigation continues, we will continue to enhance our security measures to help protect the student and employee data stored on our systems."


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