Sunday, November 17, 2019

Who is Jenny B, and why does she think I'm pregnant?

Women across the country are receiving cards signed by “Jenny B” congratulating them on their pregnancy. Many of the women say the problem is that they’re not pregnant. The congratulatory card comes with several gift cards and coupons totaling what seems like $250 for various motherhood related websites. Each of the gift cards is for a website affiliated with a company called Mother’s Lounge LLC. The company has a Better Business Bureau grade of F. assumed the mailer to be a scam. The mailer is considered to be a scam. However the gift cards, while they do give a discount, actually increase the shipping costs, making the "gift" essentially zero.

According to the BBB:
On November 7th 2019, BBB contacted Mothers Lounge requesting modification or discontinuation of certain practices of the company. The practices questioned were: 1. Business is sending out “gift cards” from their different online businesses, including Carseat Canopy. These gift cards are sent in an envelope which appears to have lost its return label, when in reality that is a marketing tactic - to make the person wonder who sent the card inside. The card is signed by a “Jen” which is leading consumers to wonder who of their friends is named Jen that could’ve sent this card. BBB believes that the use of these marketing scenarios is questionable. The business also has other businesses include a sheet of the “gift cards” in their mailings. 2. When using the discount on the card for example,, shopping for a product that is $49.95, BBB noted that if you do not use a $49.95 “gift card” the economy shipping is free. However, if the gift card is inserted, then the economy shipping increases to $11.97 (because the dollar amount for “free” shipping has not been met to get “free” shipping). BBB’s Code of Advertising, “Free” section 14 specifically under 14.1.2 states that the price should not be increased, if offering a discount. If the price is increased there is no discount, therefore the shipping is not “free,” nor is the “gift card. 3. BBB also asked that the business include information in their mailing regarding where the business is located - for instance a return name and address on the envelope or include in the information in the envelope. To date, the company has not provided a response to modify or discontinue these concerns.

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