Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mite-killing Robot

ROCKUBOT is a pocket-sized robot that can help with this problem. The little thing rolls along surfaces and attacks bacteria, germs, and mites with UV-C light and ultrasonic wave technology. According to its Kickstarter page, ROCKUBOT can kill 99.99% bacteria, germs and mites in just seconds. In terms of hardware, the gizmo comes with 4 UV-C lights, ultrasonic wave technology and 24 AI sensors. There’s also a wireless charging and a 5200 mAh power bank for times when you are on the go.

The UV-C light is a chemically-free method of killing or disabling the growth of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. It works in parallel with ultrasonic waves which combat mites and germs. The Ultrasonic waves emit a frequency above 20,000 Hz so are inaudible to humans and pets but repel insects. The multiple sensors along the thing allow it to navigate, avoid obstacles and falls. There’s an automatic and manual mode to choose from. The first works like a smart vacuum finding its way around a surface. The second is useful for disinfecting items such as TV remote controls, cell phones, keyboards, children’s toys and more.


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