Monday, April 22, 2019

What goes Where App

Salinas Valley Recycles has teamed up with Monterey Regional Waste Management and your local garbage and recycling haulers to bring you a free app that helps you recycle right. The "What Goes Where?" app answers that question: "Is this trash or can I recycle this?" It's simple to use: provide your zip code so it knows who your hauler is, and then enter the item you have questions about. It provides all the information you need so it takes away the guessing game.

Speaking of games, you can also play the Recycling Challenge Game and test your knowledge on what to do with bulky or hard to recycle items. Play the Recycling Challenge Game HERE or once you download your app. For iOS and Android, What Goes Where App is Monterey County’s guide to help you determine how to recycle everyday materials. Plastic containers, pizza boxes, coffee cups, bags, paint – the app will guide you to curbside programs and nearby drop-off locations to maximize reuse and recycling options. Play the What Goes Where Sorting Game to learn how to separate materials in your carts! Get this informative and helpful app today.

Click her for the video


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