Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Smart Watch for the Blind

One of the major flaws with a touchscreen you wear on your wrist is that it’s not really going to be suitable for everyone. Just imagine how utterly useless a device based around a touchscreen is for someone who can’t see, and relies on physical touch to communicate things. But one company is at least trying, and has developed a smartwatch for people who are vision impaired, communicating in braille.

The concept here is called the “Dot”, and it’s a rather unusual smartwatch, taking the circular shape of a standard watch, but throwing in a mechanism to raise and lower dots on its surface to spell out words from notifications. The technology here is a form of active braille, because while static braille always exists in the form it was printed in, active allows the display to change, raising and lowering a series of 36 dots based on the needs of what’s being transmitted to the Dot watch.

Click here to view the video.

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