Monday, November 26, 2018

NASA's Insight Probe to Mars Lands Successfully

NASA has studied the surface of Mars with various rovers, some small and some big. It is currently studying the atmosphere of Mars with the MAVEN satellite which is orbiting the Red Planet. Now NASA is going to study the interior of Mars with the landing yesterday of Insight. This probe will not move around the surface of Mars; in fact it's job is to stay incredibly still. All the while the probe will perform numerous tasks to learn more about the planet and how it may have formed.

NASA’s InSight lander completed its seven-month interplanetary journey of nearly 500 million kilometers in dramatic style on Monday, slamming into the Martian atmosphere at a speed of nearly 20,000 kilometers per hour. Only six-and-a-half harrowing minutes later, after ejecting its heatshield, deploying a supersonic parachute and firing retrorockets, its speed had dramatically slowed to a jogging pace after traversing the 130 kilometers between Mars’s upper atmosphere and the planet’s arid surface.


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