Sunday, May 6, 2018

Alabama HS Hacked and Grades Changed. No Valedictorian

The Alabama Board of Education has launched an investigation after a high school in Escambia County discovered discrepancies in the grades of a number of students, apparently the result of a hack. W.S. Neal High School in East Brewton, Alabama found the inconsistencies in some grades while finalizing a “Top 10" list of the best-performing students. The school is putting off naming a valedictorian and salutatorian for this year’s graduating class, who are scheduled to receive their diplomas on May 22nd.

At the risk of questioning the methods of the superintendent and school board, it seems like they don’t have a great grasp of the situation. While the Board of Education isn’t releasing any details until the investigation is complete, the school has apparently forgone digital forensics in favor of trying to get a student to rat out the supposed hacker. Students have reportedly been called into the principal’s office and pressed if they know who is responsible for changing grades, which is either an attempt to make the kids crack under pressure or part of a desperate search for leads.

For the students, the primary concern seems to be how the apparent hack will affect their position on the Top 10 list. Some students may have been bumped out of the top slots by someone who changed their grades and losing that position may affect their hunt for scholarships, which should probably make us reconsider how scholarships are awarded.


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