Tuesday, December 12, 2017

NASA to Return to the Moon, and then Mars

President Donald Trump signed Space Policy Directive 1 on Monday, directing NASA to return Americans to the surface of the moon and onward to Mars. The order declares NASA must lead U.S. astronauts in "an innovative space exploration program." The announcement continues the White House push to end dependence on Russia for manned launches, which began when the space shuttle program retired six years ago. The White House reports the U.S. will work with other countries and private companies in achieving these goals and utilizing the tech needed for manned missions to Mars and throughout the solar system.

Trump's declaration makes him the third president in the last 30 years to announce a return to the moon. On the 20th anniversary of the first moon landing, Apollo 11, President George H.W. Bush announced the National Space Council of the time would "report back" with "concrete recommendations" to reach "the Moon and Mars and beyond." In 2004, President George W. Bush unveiled a three-step vision for space exploration, saying the U.S. must "return to the moon by 2020." In October the National Space Council met for the first time since it was disbanded in 1993, led by Vice President Mike Pence, several White House officials and space industry executives. Boeing and SpaceX, both represented at the council meeting, play key roles in NASA's Commercial Crew program. The government organization selected the two companies to transport crew to the International Space Station, launching from the U.S. Both companies will seek major testing milestones in 2018, with both orbital and crewed flight tests.


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