Tuesday, November 14, 2017

10 Year Old Son Can Unlock Mother's iPhone

Face ID is undeniably more secure than Touch ID in a random sampling of population. Apple says the chance of a person unlocking your phone with Face ID is 1 in a million. However, that probability can be considerably lower for siblings, twins and children under the age of 13. A new video from a mother highlights exactly these limitations; she finds her 10-year old son can reliably unlock her phone using his face.

In the security white paper, Apple recommends disabling the Face ID feature if you are concerned about identical twins or siblings unlocking the device. However, it’s a tough sell because using the face unlock is so much more convenient than typing in a passcode. The two family members do share a similarity in how they look, but it’s not exactly what you would call a striking resemblance. The child is only ten years old, so the ‘undeveloped facial features’ may be playing a role here. The training process for Face ID only kicks in if the face data matches to a ‘certain threshold’. What Apple may do in a future software update is increase this threshold of likeness. This would reduce the number of false-positives for the training to consider, making it harder for face data from family members to contribute to the learning process.


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