Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Machine Learning / AI Takes on CyberSecurity

Each and every day techniques in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are changing our view of the world. They are impacting how we interact with technology and raising our expectations of what it is possible. AI has been touted as the natural next step to solving a whole range of problems in fields like fraud prevention, medicine, and transport. In reality, it’s cyber security that has arguably seen some of the most wide ranging and impacting implementations of machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and more.

Machine learning refers to systems that are able to automatically improve with experience. Traditionally, no matter how many times you use software to perform the same exact task, the software won't get any smarter. Always launch your browser and visit the same exact website? A traditional browser won't "learn" that it should probably just bring you there by itself when first launched. With ML, software can gain the ability to learn from previous observations to make inferences about both future behavior, as well as guess what you want to do in new scenarios. From thermostats that optimize heating to your daily schedule, autonomous vehicles that customize your ride to your location, and advertising agencies seeking to keep ads relevant to individual users, ML has found a niche in all aspects of our daily life.


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