Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Racists Outed, Shamed, and Fired via Twitter

In the 1920s and 1930s, KKK members terrorized communities by concealing their identities with hoods and robes as they burned crosses and committed other despicable acts against others. Today, however, members of alt-right, neo Nazi, and white supremacists groups do not don the traditional apparel. In Charlottesville, the protesters against the removal of Civil War statues were exposed and in plain view. There are a lot of pics and videos of members from that march. A Twitter account, "Yes, you're a racist..." was started in 2012. Pictures of people in public from rallies and protests are published there, asking anyone to identify the individuals. When the founder confirms the identity, the individual's name and identity is publicly revealed.

After the events in Charlottesville, the site identified three individuals. One was from Berkeley, California, at a hot dog stand called Top Dog. The shop has a political bent of its own, as it’s well-known in Berkeley for the libertarian stickers and articles posted on its walls, and website. The employee resigned after the public back-lash from his participation in Charlottesville. After the "outing" of this individual, the Twitter account soon identified students enrolled at the University of Nevada and Washington State University, leading both of the schools to issue statements condemning racism.

Credits: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/food/wp/2017/08/14/charlottesville-white-nationalist-demonstrator-fired-from-libertarian-hot-dog-shop/?utm_term=.742af5304c0e

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