Friday, February 3, 2017

Robots let you sleep more

How many times did you hit the snooze button on the alarm clock today? Getting yourself out of bed and into work can feel like one of the toughest parts of the day. One firm claims to have found the perfect solution, albeit a very Silicon Valley one. At the Beam shop in downtown Palo Alto, California, the employees come from all over the world, including Bermuda and Kansas City, but face none of the normal commuting grumbles.

But Scott Hassan, founder of Suitable Technologies, which makes the Beam robot, says in his company - where staff can work remotely - they're now used so frequently no-one bats an eyelid. Mr Hassan has even devised his own lingo for the situation, calling people physically present "meat bodies" to distinguish them from the robots. "This is sort of futuristic for a lot of people [so] they probably don't understand what that would feel like. But once you know somebody and work with them, just because they're on a Beam doesn't affect it. It's just as if they're there," he says.


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