Sunday, November 13, 2016

Canadas Immigration Servers Crash

Everyone's probably heard at least one person say they're moving to Canada based on whoever wins the elections. Apparently, some of them weren't kidding. When the presidential campaign results confirmed a tighter race than most expected, an influx of people decided to look up Canada's immigration site, causing the website to momentarily crash. The website came back around 11:05 p.m. ET.

One business is capitalizing on those serious about making the move north. The Farmer's Daughter Country Market, located on an island at the eastern end of Nova Scotia in Canada, is offering 2 acres of free land and a job for people who relocate. Canada has been keeping close tabs on the United States' presidential election with a social media campaign, "Tell America It's Great" trending on Twitter a few weeks ago and "#MeanwhileInCanada" trending on election night.


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