Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Bill Belichick Can't take Microsoft Tablets Anymore

Bill Belichick is throwing in the towel in his ongoing fight with the use of tablets on the sideline. Responding to a question in a conference call Tuesday about headset issues the Patriots had during last week’s win over the Bengals, Belichick said he “can’t take it anymore” with the tablets, adding there isn’t enough consistency in the performance of the devices.

The decision comes after Belichick was caught on camera slamming down a sideline tablet following a Bills touchdown during their Oct. 2 matchup. He also railed for several minutes about ongoing issues with NFL technology, including the communication system between coaches in the press box and those on the field, as well as the coach-to-quarterback play calling system, which Belichick said “fail on a regular basis.” NFL teams were supposed to have more improved Microsoft Surface 4 tablets to use for still images and strategizing in games this season. Tablet use for in-game video playback was approved by the NFL for use in preseason games with the idea that teams could experiment with them and provide feedback for improvement.

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