Monday, April 4, 2016

GS Warriors Use Tech to Get Better

Basketball is getting a lot more high-tech. College teams -- including some in the NCAA tournament -- and pros like the Golden State Warriors are harnessing the power of technology to help improve their game. Now, data can be used to track and analyze players' shots, their movements and their physical condition during a practice or throughout a game. "The Warriors love to apply anything they can to get ahead," Golden State Warriors guard Klay Thompson told CNET's Brian Tong. "We've got a device that tracks our movement and how much energy you were expending." Right now, every NBA venue is installed with a camera system called SportVU that gathers player and game data in real time.

The system has six cameras spread around catwalks and the movements of the players are tracked 25 times a second. The data collected by the system is sent to a server that generates a host of statistics on everything from passes, dribbles and touches, to basketball plays like drives and isolations. The system can also record how fast a player is running, how far the player went, and how much physical load has been on his body. For those who aren't pros, a consumer version of this type of technology will soon be available for your neighborhood court.


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