Sunday, March 6, 2016

MIT's AI Lab Creates an artificial Tweet Bot -- For Donald Trump

Donald Trump says the darndest things. And a lot of those things were said in the run-up to the Republican presidential nomination, in a series of speeches that often make one scratch their head or palm their face. And with that said, it’s no surprise that the Twitterbot called @DeepDrumpf has just been launched, using artificial intelligence to generate tweets that mimic those that “The Donald” would normally post. And you better believe that they’re pretty accurate, considering Trump’s penchant for outlandish, unorthodox statements.

The @DeepDrumpf Twitterbot was created by MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab postdoctoral student Bradley Hayes, who made use of deep learning in order to create a bot that (sort-of) tweets like Trump would. Deep learning is an AI technique that allows computers to discern patterns, thinking like a human brain in the process, though as inferred by @DeepDrumpf’s syntax, it does still sound a bit robotic. But that was perfect for Hayes, who cited Trump’s, well, less sophisticated way of speaking as compared to other candidates.

As you can see, the language is a bit clunky, as one could expect from a Twitterbot, but the words it spews definitely do have a Trump-like quality to them.

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