Saturday, December 5, 2015

Privacy issues with Barbie

Mattel's "Hello Barbie," which allows children to engage in conversation with the iconic doll, suffered at launch from serious security issues, according to analysis by experts at Bluebox Labs. Much like how Siri and Google Now work, the doll would send recorded speech to the cloud, where the audio is analyzed and a response determined, which is sent back to the doll for playback.

But Bluebox's analysis, published Friday, shows that this process was vulnerable at several points. The app, for instance, would connect to any Wi-Fi network with the word "Barbie" in the name, regardless of whether that connection was secure or not — putting transmitted data at risk. The servers that stored and analyzed speech were vulnerable to phony security certificates as well, Bluebox reported, and had not patched the widespread "POODLE" bug that affects secure connections.


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